
Keep that Smartphone Smart!

Written by Do I Editorial

* Scratch Proof Screen: Love that shiny screen of your brand new phone?  Spend a little more money and buy an additional screen guard (or lamination) to keep the screen looking new look for longer.  Everyday use and movement of the phone makes it vulnerable to small scratches and marks.
* Un-plug the Charger: Once your phone is charged un-plug the charger instead of leaving the phone connected to a power source. Over charging for long hours or on a regular basis could deplete the battery life or even damage your phone’s power setup.
* Regular Updates: Blackberry? iPhone? Android?  No matter what the phone or what operating system on board, regular updates and backups are a must to have hassle free functioning of your phone.  Updated firmware and timely backups keep you from losing any precious data and having a smooth functioning phone.
* Rebooting and Refreshing: Most electronic devices, if run for long stretches, start to take on an excessive load and slow down. Regularly removing the battery and the SIM may help in keeping your phone fast and responsive.
* Trash Downloads: Refrain from downloading extra games and other applications on your phone as they are usually excess baggage and will only slow your phone down in the long run.

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